2014 m. lapkričio 19-20 d. renginys HRVision Londone (UK)

HRVision renginys, skirtas personalo valdymo lyderiams, vyks Londone(UK) 2014 m. lapkričio 19-20 d.

Programą rasite čia >>, visa informacija tinklalapyje >>.

Pagrindinės renginio temos:

•    Talent Attraction: Talent Acquisition Vs Talent Management
•    Technology and its impact on how we work in the future.
•   Leadership, Change and Culture: dealing with ever changing world and equipping leaders for the future.
•    Employee engagement to build advocacy.
•    Future ready  HR strategy, driving the agile organisation.
•    Creating a business case using data, metrics and analytics.
•    Business Transformation

Registruojantis per asociaciją (rašykite renata@pvpa.lt), dalyviams iš Lietuvos bus pritaikyta 400 svarų nuolaida.

Atsiliepimai apie anksčiau vykusį renginį:

“The event met all my expectations and exceeded them. Well worth the time spent and has given me enough inspiration, ideas and networking opportunities for the coming period. Thank you”. Els Kroonenberg Boonacker, HR Manager, De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek

„Excellent, inspiring event and fantastic networking opportunity. Very well run and organised”. Hazel Collie, VP Personnel & Organizational Development, Grünenthal Pharma GmbH & Co.KG

„One of the best conferences I’ve been to in the last couple of years. Brilliantly run and some great speakers”. Ben Matthews, Head of Strategic Communications, ebay


Artimiausi renginiai 2023

PVPA – EAPM narė

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