2016.11.24 BALTIC MASTER CLASS: Cultural Engagement. Purpose. Neuro-Leadership

baltic-master-class-lapkricio-24dKaimyninė Estijos PARE asociacija 2016.11.24 Taline (Estija) organizuoja Baltic Master Class darbuotojų įsitraukimo tema.

Seminarą ves specialistai iš Švedijos Karin ir Sergio Volo, Evoloshen įmonės įkūrėjai. Darbuotojų įsitraukimo (employees engagement) tema Karin ir Sergio turi sukaupę daugiau nei 15 metų patirtį, dirbdami su Fortune 500 įmonėmis, taip pat yra parašę keletą bestselerių. Jau daugelį metų yra vertintojai geriausių įmonių apdovanojimuose Anglijoje ir Amerikoje.
Baltic Master Class bus vystomi trys moduliai: Cultural Engagement Module, Purpose Module, Neuro-Leadership Module.

Daugiau informacijos angliškai:

Employee Engagement and Purpose are critical business strategies, not solely an HR strategy. Understanding the neurochemistry behind conversations and relationships will strengthen your impact as a leader.

In this Full Day Master Class, you will learn:

  • the global trends and disruptive changes effecting the business climate today
  • the financials behind engagement that support just how essential engaging employees is to the business
  • the Key Cultural Indicators, or KCI’s, to creating an amazing company
  • why becoming a purpose driven company is how you will survive and thrive in the coming decade
  • the neuroscience behind conversations that build trust and increase productivity in the organization

This inspirational and empowering Master Class will give you the tools you need to have a deeper understanding of the scope of Cultural Engagement, Purpose, and Neuro-Leadership and how you can present these strategies into your company as well as interactive empowering activities that will shift the way you look at the workplace and your impact.

Presented by Karin & Sergio Volo
Evoloshen Academy (more information HERE)

Detailed info here: http://www.pare.ee/en/master-class

Registration: http://www.pare.ee/master-class-0

 FEES until 14 November 2016

PARE/HENRY/LPVA/PVPA members 177 euros + VAT (20%)
Others 227 euros + VAT (20%)

FEES 15 November 2016 – 23 November 2016

PARE/HENRY/LPVA/PVPA members 199 euros + VAT (20%)
Others 249 euros + VAT (20%)

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