2019.10.03 Rytas kitaip SEB: „HR in Action”

Data: 2019 m. spalio 3d. 9.00-12.00
Vieta: SEB Inovacijų centras (Savanorių pr. 1, Vilnius)

SEB grupės personalo komanda kviečia Jus į renginį, kuriame kartu su Indre Bartulyte-Užupe ir Sam Joukhadar pasidalinsime personalo  srities ateities tendencijomis. Taip pat pakviesime jus dalyvauti dirbtuvėse, kuriose diskutuosite viena iš šių temų:

  • Ateities darbuotojo profilis – (Future employee’s profile: where expectations and requirements meet?)
  • Įvairovė ir įtrauktis – (Fighting workplace bias: diversity and inclusion of minds?)
  • Kiekvienas yra lyderis – (Everyone is a leader: proof point of leadership in you?)
  • Personalas ir technologijos – (Bridging the gap between technology and HR)
  • Agile personalo valdyme – (Agile on HR agenda: How to turn challenges into opportunities?)
  • Personalo bendruomenė 2.0 – (Building 2.0 HR community: what’s in there?)

Renginys vyks anglų kalba.

Dalyvavimas PVPA nariams nemokamas.

Registracija iki rugsėjo 29 d. (arba kol baigsis vietos) TIK nariams paspaudus šią nuorodą>>

Daugiau informacijos suteiks Deimantė Gutauskaitė el.paštu deimante.gutauskaite@seb.se, tel. +37064111524

Hello all HR colleagues out there!

Autumn season has started, do you feel it? It’s time to learn something new, right?

We are excited to invite you to HR in Action event organised by HR colleagues at SEB Global Services. We are gathering HR professionals, start-ups, business people and their best knowledge & experience into one place to discuss hottest topics in HR!

Sounds interesting, right?

Action will take place:

Date: October 3rd, 2019
Time: 8:30-12:00

Location: SEB Inovacijų centras (Savanorių pr.1, Vilnius)

What can you expect?

Our guest speakers Indrė Bartulytė-Užupė and Sam Joukhadar will share about global trends in HR.

After the presentation all participants will be invited to take part in workshops and deep dive in one of the following topics:

  • Future employee’s profile: where expectations and requirements meet?
  • Fighting workplace bias: diversity and inclusion of minds?
  • Everyone is a leader: proof point of leadership in you?
  • Bridging the gap between technology and HR.
  • Agile on HR agenda: How to turn challenges into opportunities?
  • Building 2.0 HR community: what’s in there?

Language of the event: English

Save the date and register by following the link.

See you soon!

For more information, please, address Deimantė Gutauskaitė by e-mail deimante.gutauskaite@seb.se, tel. +37064111524.

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